How to stop hair breakage
Breakage is something that anyone with long hair would like to avoid, but it still happens without us even realizing it. We go through our regular hair routine with things like removing tangles, blow drying, using heat tools or simply pulling hair up without realizing that all of these activities can break hair if they are not done correctly.
1. Let us start with detangling the hair. You get out of the shower and you towel dry your hair scrambling it all up causing tangles. Instead start by gently drying your hair in strokes from roots to ends without stirring it up. Apply a leave in conditioner and begin to detangle the hair from ends working your way up to the scalp with a wide-tooth comb and repeat this action with a medium-tooth comb. Most people do the reverse and try to comb the hair from scalp to ends; this tightens the tangles causing it to break.
2. Blow drying is a big contributor to breakage. First and foremost you must use a good brush, one that does not have any parts that can catch the hair and grip it, causing it to be yanked on and snapped. The next thing to do is to pre-dry your hair until it’s 85% to 95% dry before even starting to use a brush; wet hair stretches a lot more than dry hair does. During the blow-drying process, wet and stretchy hair contracts naturally; if additional pull by a brush is applied it causes too much tension on the hair and can cause it to snap.
3. Heat tools do a great job styling the hair; they also can do a great job of breaking it in the process. It is important to use the heat tools the correct way. First, make sure that your flat iron or curling iron has no rough edges or hard right angles. The edges should be smooth and slightly rounded on good flat irons. The cuff on your curling irons should be smooth and the barrel should meet the cuff perfectly without being too tight. You need a room for the hair to move during the ironing process; irons that are too tight crush the hair, causing weak spots that will break later on. The next thing to pay attention to is proper temperature. Think of hair as clothing – you won’t be using high heat on delicate fabrics, such as silk. Most of us like our hair silky, so let’s treat it like silk, instead of cotton, linen or denim. Try to remember this when you are working with the heat tool. Temperatures that are too hot for your hair makes it weak and will cause it to break.
4. Pulling hair up is another thing that people with long hair do often. Most people are accustomed to using coated elastic type bands which don’t cut into the hair causing a weak spot and breakage. What most people don’t realize is that pulling one’s hair up too tight while it’s still wet will cause the hair to break as well. Just like drying with a brush and stretching it when the hair is wet, people also often pull their hair back tightly with a band while it’s still wet. As it dries, the hair contracts and pulls the opposite way creating tension and may cause it to snap. In addition, hair much like any fiber is flexible while it is hot. Many people pull their hair up to cool it off not realizing that the flexible fiber stretches. Consequently when the hair cools off it shrinks and can snap much like a wet hair when it dries.
The moral is to treat your hair gently and be kind to it as much as possible; this way you will be protecting your hair from some of the common everyday events that can cause breakage.
To make this task easier, milk_shake has created Integrity System. An innovative treatment system that’s based on a very simple principle: to restore the hair’s natural elements. It gives all the necessary ingredients so that hair can finally shine and be brought back to health.
Milkshake integrity system gives immediate results making hair shiny, soft and healthy. This is achieved through the combined action of Muru Muru butter and the Amino acids complex, a mixture of plant amino acids developed to give damaged hair the right quantity of restructuring elements.
The Amino acids complex works on the hair, restoring and protecting the hair structure. With regular use the integrity system guarantees shine with its protective and polishing action and the final result is radiant and healthy hair. With regular use Milkshake’s Integrity System visibly improving the condition of the damaged hair.